Why ARE you running Greg?

Short Answer: I believe I can make a positive impact on the future of Richland, and as someone who has enjoyed living here for almost 13 years, I owe that to my fellow citizens. 

Longer Answer: As someone who grew up in a Navy family and then joined the Navy myself, I moved around a fair bit and never really thought about 'settling down'. Until I did.

Thirteen years ago, I left a  job I didn't think I would ever leave at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard to come work for the Tank Farms Contractor on the Hanford site.  

Primary among the reasons for the change was that Richland just felt like a better place to raise a family.  More parks, more things for kids to do, and a growing community with everything in convenient driving distance.

It took a few years for Richland to feel like 'home', but then one day, it was, and I wanted to start finding ways to be involved in keeping a great place to raise a family.  It just so happened that my decision to start being involved with City Government coincided with an opening on the Richland Code Enforcement Board, and the rest, as they say, is history.  

I completed the rest of that 'replacement' term, and then served two additional terms on the CEB, serving as Chair of the Board my last two years before I decided it was time to look for other ways to be involved.  About eighteen months ago that opportunity presented itself when Councilmember Lemley resigned mid-term, and I applied for the open seat.

I was one of the finalists interviewed for the open seat, and I felt I performed 
strongly during the interview until I was asked if I intended to run for reelection if I was selected, and I answered truthfully that I didn't know.  The other finalist had a more definitive answer that Yes, he intended to run for reelection, and he was selected.  

I don't know that our willingness to run for reelection(and provide stability to the City Council) was the deciding factor in who was selected to fill Mr. Lemley's seat, but, it felt like it.  I also will never regret telling the truth if I am asked a question. And having had 18 months to think about it I assure you that if I am elected, I will serve a full 4-year term...but I am still not going to guarantee  I will run for reelection after that term.